Baptisms at St. Mary's
"I have no greater joy than to hear that
my children are walking in the truth."
- 3 John 1:4 -

Opening the
Doors of Faith through the Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are a joyful event here at St. Mary's Church! We are so blessed that you have chosen to start your child's journey with Christ at our beautiful church.
Baptisms at St. Mary's take place either during Mass, or at a specially designated time that is scheduled with our Baptism Coordinator.
Baptism FAQs
Why should I baptize my child?
Baptism is the gateway to the spiritual life for a Catholic. We believe it initiates inclusion in God’s earthly family, makes the child one with Jesus, and gives grace to counteract Original Sin, which endures within the human family.
Scary question, but...do the unbaptized risk the loss of heaven?
In earlier times, it was believed that an unbaptized child could not go to heaven when they died, but that is not our contemporary teaching. We entrust those who are not baptized to God’s mercy, just as we entrust everyone - including ourselves who are baptized.
What would I need to do to have my child baptized?
You would need to desire to raise your child in the Catholic faith and be willing to state that publicly. You would choose 1 to 2 Catholics to be your child’s sponsors (often referred to as Godparents). You would attend one preparation class by Catholic parent to learn about the ceremony and the lifestyle that accompanies baptism.
When and where will the Baptism occur?
Baptisms always happen in St. Mary’s Church, at the baptismal font. They happen either:
At a Sunday Mass, with the Parish community present.
At a ceremony with family and friends at a pre-chosen time.
Baptisms usually happen on weekend days, but that is not a firm rule. We do not have baptisms at Mass during Lent (Ash Wednesday through Easter).