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Mass Intentions at St. Mary's 


"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."

- Revelations 24:1 -

Statue of Mary

In a world full of challenges and change,

prayer is the hope that touches hearts.  

Share the beauty of our faith

with a Mass Card and Intention

in memory of a loved one.


It is a beautiful practice to pray

for the dead at Mass.

The greatest and most powerful prayer

we have is the Mass, since the fruits of the Mass

are the very fruits of Jesus' redemption

made present to us.

Therefore, so many of us seek

to book a Mass intention for our loved ones.

In St. Mary's Parish, there are many requests

for scheduling Mass intentions.


We are now reading the names of all those

who are being prayed for in the

Mass Intentions of that week,

so that everyone in the Parish Community

can pray for them.


Mass Intention Guidelines


  1. CURRENTLY, we are unable to take online bookings due to online issues with our scheduling host.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

  2. At St. Mary's Church, we can schedule only three intentions per Mass

  3. Masses must be scheduled at least 2 weeks before the desired date.

  4. We cannot schedule Mass Intentions on the following special days, including Vigil Masses:

    • Christmas Eve and Christmas​ Day

    • Holy Week (Palm Sunday through Easter)

    • Mother's Day

    • Father's Day

    • Holy Days of Obligation

  5. Requests will be honored on a first-come, first-serve basis in the order in which the request is received at the Parish Office.

  6. Mass requests will be granted as close to the requested date and time as possible. If it is not possible to comply with the primary request, the next closest date and time will be scheduled.

  7. There can only be ONE Mass Intention per person at each Mass.


NOTE:  If at any time,

Mass Intentions need to be changed or altered, St. Mary's Church will contact you and try to accommodate your needs as best we can.

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