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We are Re-opening Next Weekend for Public Mass

Writer's picture: St. Mary's ChurchSt. Mary's Church

Thankfully, we are reopening for public Mass next weekend, June 27 and 28th. Things will be different when we come back to church, however, due to the hard work of our Reopening Committee, new protocols will make it possible for us to come together again safely. I am so looking forward to seeing you all again. Here are some things to keep in mind:

The total seating capacity of our church is 400. According to State guidelines, we can admit 25% of that total into the church at this time. So, we’re allowed 100 people in attendance at a given service. Admission will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Overflow parishioners are encouraged to watch our Sunday Mass via livestream on their phones, in cars or at home, and return to the church parking lot to receive Holy Communion immediately after each Mass. We ask you to wait in your vehicle with your lights on to signal your desire to receive and to come out of the vehicle to receive the Holy Eucharist.

Our Mass schedule from June 27-28th on is:

4:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass

8:30 AM Sunday Mass

11:15 AM Sunday Mass (Family Mass)

You must wear masks and bring hand sanitizer with you.

When arriving, you must enter through center front door of the church on Warren Street. Only the handicapped can enter the church using the ramp and the side door. The doors of the church will be opened 30 minutes before Mass.

Upon entering, you must take direction from the ushers as to where you will be seated. You will also be asked if you have experienced COVID symptoms or tested positive for the virus. You will also be asked if you have been in contact with someone who has had COVID or had symptoms.

You’ll also be asked to sign your name on a piece of paper with your phone number and email. We’re required to hold on to these papers indefinitely until the pandemic is over. We are required to keep a record of those attending for contact tracing.

The ushers will bring you to your seat, to Holy Communion and to the designated exits. Those who arrive together are permitted to sit together.

There will be no communal singing. Listen attentively and prayerfully throughout the Mass.

There will be no taking up of a collection. Baskets for your envelopes and contributions will be placed at the entry and exit of the church. We encourage everyone to sign up for e-giving on our website.

At the time of the “Kiss of Peace”, a friendly nod to your neighbor is sufficient. Avoid any contact with others in the church.

Our Bishop asks that everyone coming forward for Holy Communion receive the Lord in their hand for your safety and that of the ministers.

After each Mass, the church will be disinfected. Please avoid gathering inside the church at any time.

We will livestream the 4:00 PM Saturday Vigil Mass each week beginning on June 27th. This Mass will be available for viewing throughout the following Sunday morning before noon so you can go to it anytime on Sunday morning.

Our Bishop has continued to grant a dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation until further notice. Those most at risk are those 65 years of age or older or those with compromised health. These are encouraged to stay home and participate via life-stream until they are comfortable attending in person. Anyone who is feeling unwell should not come to any public gathering.

If you would like to help as a greeter, usher or sanitizer, please contact Tim McNulty at

Please continue to go to our website for ever-changing updates pertaining to the restoration of public Mass in our churches:

Confessions (Sacrament of Reconciliation) will be available every Saturday from 2:30 to 3:30 PM in the Reconciliation Room.

Throughout the summer, there will be one daily Mass each week on Wednesdays at noon. You can continue to schedule Masses for your deceased loved ones and friends on any day throughout the summer since Father Tom offers Mass each day for the particular intentions schedule for the day.

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